Based on yesterday's feeding results, I'm going to try to start being a little more scientific in what I'm feeding. So this morning, I started out with 1 ounce of green peppers and 1 ounce of wheatgrass. The guinea pigs ate the wheatgrass within minutes, but they left the green peppers for a little later. All the green peppers were gone within a couple of hours, though. Once the green peppers were gone, I gave 1 tablespoon of pellets and topped off their hay dishes with meadow hay instead of either the botanical or the alfalfa (both are still available in small amounts) because I just wanted to see if they would eat the meadow hay instead. They did eat a little of it, but I decided to add some botanical hay and alfalfa in the afternoon.
For the afternoon feeding of fresh food, I gave them 1 ounce of wheatgrass again and about an ounce of a lettuce mix, which they really seem to enjoy. I also added more hay (who knew such tiny creatures could eat so much hay?).
I stuck to my usual routine of handling them 1 or 2 times during the day, just for a couple of minutes at a time. They still were skittish, but I found that they were much easier to catch. I'm not sure if that is because they are getting used to me or I'm getting used to catching them quickly.
I do have big plans for tomorrow, though. I had ordered bedding that is similar to PetLife's Vetbed from an American company, and it arrived today. I hope to get it washed and cut to size so I can start using it instead of fleece. The fleece has actually been working fine, but I wanted to test it against a product actually made for animals. Plus, in the guinea pig forums, I have found a few anecdotes from people using it who preferred it to fleece, so I wanted to see for myself. I also want to see if I can get a mid-grid level installed in the cage to add some additional space and interest. So stay tuned to see how the cage remodel goes!
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