
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Babywatch - Day 4

Today's new food was raspberries.  I cut two of them up into 4 pieces each and mixed them in with the green peppers I fed in the morning.  They were not a big hit, though, and except for a test nibble, the guinea pigs left them alone.  I'll probably try them again at some point in the future, but for now I'll move on to something different - maybe melon?

I topped off the botanical hay in the morning, but didn't need to add any alfalfa.  I can't say they didn't eat any alfalfa at all, but the handful that I'd added the day before looked untouched.  I think that is an interesting development because alfalfa is recommended for babies due to its higher nutrition content.  I'm a big fan of giving food choices whenever possible, though, so I'll keep offering several kinds of hay, including alfalfa, and just observe what they eat.  As long as they are active and seem healthy, I'm going to assume that they are choosing the food that best meets their needs, much like they would in the wild.

Another interesting thing that I've noticed over the past couple of days, but particularly this morning, is that right after I sweep the cage, they like to come out and investigate (and poop a lot, sort of like they were saving it up...).

In the afternoon, I went to the grocery store in search of some fresh veggies and fruit.  I was hoping that there might be some wheatgrass and I was in luck.  I managed to find a small container of organic wheatgrass.  I also got a spring mix of lettuce and a cantaloupe.

When I got home, I put a small amount of the lettuce and wheatgrass (maybe a half ounce each) in a food dish and the guinea pigs INHALED ALL OF IT.  They went for the wheatgrass first, but they had eaten everything within maybe 10 minutes.  And then, they started snarfing down alfalfa hay.  And that would make sense because I think wheatgrass (and maybe lettuce too) has more phosphorus than calcium, so the high calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in the alfalfa would balance out the wheatgrass.  I'm definitely flagging this result in my mind to do some number crunching on later.

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